Dear Gossips,
Do you remember what we were doing a year ago? Do you remember what we were talking about a year ago?
It never took. Both the portmanteau and the relationship, if it really was a relationship. But exactly a year ago this week, it was the second week of Jennifer Lopez and Drake and a week after that, they danced together at the “prom”:
JLO and Drake didn’t make it another month. And just a few weeks after that, she was already falling in love with Alex Rodriguez and now they’re practically engaged. Later on, during one of her shows, Hotline Bling came on and she paused and shot out, “Huh, bootycall”, to the audience before flipping her hair and spinning around.
I’ve been trying to look back on the last year in gossip as we approach the end of 2017 and whether or not we could have known what we know now. Probably most of us would have known that Lopizzy wouldn’t last. But did you think she’d be on the brink of her fourth marriage… with ARod? It makes total sense now. In the way that’s almost like, why didn’t we think of this before? Why DIDN’T we think of it before?
Here and there, over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be remembering some of highs and lows in gossip from the last 12 months. Let us know what you’d like featured too.
Yours in gossip,