Every year, the fanciest fashion houses make pretentious films and they hire famous actors and top-tier directors and shoot it in a luxurious locale. They could spend millions of dollars and not come close to the aloof chicness of Mary-Kate Olsen and Olivier Sarkozy’s Zoom divorce screenshot.
Look at this! It’s like an ad for The Row. Mary-Kate is in a black turtleneck, which must be from her own brand. I have never wanted a turtleneck in my life and now it’s all I can think about. All other parties are in dark colours and the women have simple hair and makeup. There’s no ring light or filter or “kooky” background (like a tropical beach or outer space). It’s not like this group of people would have coordinated their backgrounds but there is a flow to the white space vs. the art hanging in the background vs. the cityscape. It’s neutral and simple but also so charged with tension. Olivier’s face fills his screen while Mary-Kate is the beatific center square. It’s like a piece of artwork hanging in a contemporary gallery.
It’s being reported that Mary-Kate was late for the appointment because she couldn’t get her Zoom to work. A multi-millionaire without the need to constantly be connected to her devices and on WIFI? That is a new status marker.
Beyond that, there aren’t a lot of details in regards to money, property etc., which of course they want to keep private. The parties have settled but the divorce is not complete because they came to an agreement the morning of the call, prompting the judge to tell them to get it done. Even that is chic. Finalizing the divorce but not getting around to the paperwork? Extremely cosmopolitan. It’s like they couldn’t be bothered because they have other things to do (smoking and wearing black).
Mais oui!