Jamie Lee Curtis is currently promoting Halloween Ends which opens this weekend. This is the third and final movie in the new Halloween series (or not new but continuation? I don’t know how to refer to these three movies and their place within the Halloween Universe because I don’t f-ck with scary movies, sorry) after the release of Halloween and Halloween Kills, which have been strong box office performers. 


Jamie’s hand and footprint ceremony was yesterday, cementing her place in movie history, deservedly so. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Melanie Griffith were there to support her. Jamie Lee and Melanie have been friends for over 40 years, they’re very, very close. So close that Melanie was there when Jamie first met her husband, Christopher Guest, to whom she’s been married for almost as long. Melanie interviewed Jamie for Interview last year and when I read it, at the time, I wanted to see this on video, and while we’re there I’d totally watch a documentary on their friendship because the fact that they are the daughters of their mothers…and have become such good friends, it’s almost like a script. 

Jamie Lee’s mother is, of course, Janet Leigh. And Melanie’s is Tippi Hedren. Both their mothers are super-famous, and specifically Hitchcockian famous! And then the daughters went on to become super-famous themselves…and friends! This is a great story, right?! 


Anyway, Melanie not only attended Jamie’s hand and footprint ceremony, she was also on the carpet the other night for the Halloween Ends premiere which is when I first wanted to post about her because her outfit is so good. Black turtleneck dress, or skirt, gloves, and sideswept bangs which… 

It’s the same hairstyle as her own daughter, Dakota Johnson, right? 

This is the only hairstyle I associate with Dakota. I always picture Dakota with a bang, never without a bang. I can’t even remember her without a bang. And the bangs are often pushed to the side. She’s got brown hair as opposed to her mother’s blonde…but it’s pretty much the same style. Which I could never imagine for myself, and I don’t think it’s ever happened – that I’ve ever shared a hairstyle with my mother. You?