Dear Gossips,   

Not sorry, not sorry. Because when Michael B Jordan is serving up this much Michael B Jordan content, it means we’re serving a lot of Michael B Jordan content. It’s Michael B Jordan in a pink cardigan. That will never not be newsworthy to me. 


The sweater is Versace. He’s wearing the sh-t out of it. And I like the fit of these pants too. But when I think of Michael B Jordan + Versace, you know what comes to mind? This classic Nicki Minaj moment, LOL forever. 


Anyway, as mentioned yesterday, MBJ was in New York yesterday making the talk show rounds in support of Creed III. He wore the Versace sweater on The View, where Sonny Hostin told him that, of course, he did a great job as a director and the fight scenes are amazing but what she appreciated most about the film was that he gave space to Adonis’s emotions, that he was willing to show Adonis’s vulnerabilities and sensitivities, and what that means to her as a Black woman raising a Black son, to be able to see that portrayal on that kind of a scale – literally in IMAX. Which opened up the opportunity for MBJ to talk about “toxic masculinity” (he actually uses those words) and how it was intentional for him that Adonis was able to talk about his feelings, as an encouragement for the people who will watch his movie to understand that men need to be able to access their entire emotional range, and not just present to the world a narrow version of expected masculinity. 


So Creed III is about the fight and the feels. I am READY! 

Yours in gossip,
