There were fans who refused to believe it this past weekend when TMZ broke the news that Joe Jonas had engaged divorce lawyers. But as I wrote yesterday, if it’s TMZ reporting it, there had to have been something to the story. And late yesterday it was confirmed, with TMZ’s exclusive that Joe had filed for divorce in Florida. 


Today Joe and Sophie released a joint statement: 

Everyone hopes that it’s amicable. But I’m not sure people in Joe’s circle got that memo. Because the narrative that has emerged over the last few days is suggesting that a lot of the blame is on Sophie’s “lifestyle”.


It was TMZ that led with their usual misogyny when they published their first report and they followed up yesterday with this source quote: 

"She likes to party, he likes to stay at home. They have very different lifestyles."

And now the Daily Mail is jumping on that lead, throwing up pictures of Sophie at parties and having a few drinks, like it’s a crime for a young mother to go out and have fun. 

Like I said in my post yesterday, it’s gross. And it’s unfair. Sophie was just 20 years old when she and Joe started dating. They were engaged a year later. It’s sad that their relationship is ending, but I can’t say it’s all that surprising considering how people change especially during those formative years and for someone like Sophie who for years played the same character on a huuuuugely popular television show and now is looking to reimagine her career. 


But this is not the conversation we’re having. Instead, for whatever reason, the people who are leaking information, likely from Joe’s side, are implying that she’s out here chasing the winds of chaos. TMZ’s latest is that Sophie was busted by a ring camera:

“Multiple sources who have direct contact with Joe tell TMZ ... Joe had access to a ring cam that he said captured Sophie saying and/or doing something that made him realize the marriage was over.”

Again, if Joe wants this to be “amicable” then his people need to stop talking sh-t about his ex and the mother of their children. Because the picture they’re trying to paint is that he’s been the perfect husband and father as she’s out here wildin’ out and abandoning her kids just because she’s been over in the UK working and may have stepped out for a few nights of fun with her colleagues. Back in the early days of this site, sadly, I might have been one of those assholes trying to run with this storyline. Aren’t we trying to move past the sexism? Is someone going to pass this tip on to Joe’s team?