Tessa Thompson has been featured in the Outfit of the Week spot multiple times and I generally try to avoid repeats but… I can’t help it here because, well, we have dogs and this is not how I look when I walk our dogs. My dog walking fits are straight up trash because one of our beagles, Elvis, is a filthy mess. He tracks dirt and slime and slobber and somehow he flings it all over us and there is no way I’m stepping out with him in anything as cute as Tessa looks here. 


But maybe it’s different in New York. Or maybe she was just spinning him around the block before heading out. In a pair of excellent mom jeans under a crop top and a leather blazer with platforms on. Which some might say are impractical for a walk but these platforms, actually, give you more stability than you think because of the chunkiness of the heel. 

I love these shoes so much, I’ve been eying them for months. Platforms are never not a thing, and there are more platform options than every right now, but the reason I’m so into these ones is because they’re loafer style which means they’re more versatile – they work with jeans and trousers and shorts, every pant length, really, and baby doll dresses but also maxi dresses, dressed down or dressed up, they can be cute and pretty but also butch and business and they’ll never not be in style either, although I’ll never be able to wear them to walk the dog.