Virginia Roberts Giuffre is suing the non-HRH Prince Andrew, second son of the Queen of England, in US court, alleging that he raped her when she was 17-years-old after she was introduced to him as part of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex-trafficking operation. Andrew has tried to get the case dismissed several times on technicalities that have since been deemed irrelevant by Judge Lewis Kaplan. The trial will begin later this year. But first, the deposition.
Virginia’s lead attorney David Boies spoke to the Daily Telegraph the other day and talked about what Andrew can expect. Boies expects that the deposition will take “a day or two” and that:
“…I’m going to try to get him to understand that this is not going to be combative. Obviously, I’m going to ask him a lot of questions. And although some of the questions may be uncomfortable, I’m not going to be aggressive or in any way offensive to him. I’m going to be very respectful.”
As for the possibility of a settlement, Boies says that Virginia would consider it but only if Andrew takes accountability.
“What's important for Virginia is to vindicate herself and the other victims. Not to let someone escape responsibility, just because of their wealth and power. To hold Prince Andrew to account.”
So it’s not like a settlement is entirely off the table, but it comes with conditions:
“We would be unlikely to settle in a situation in which somebody just handed over a cheque. So if Prince Andrew maintains, ‘I’ve never heard of this person’, ‘I don’t know who she is’, ‘The photographs are fake’, then I don’t think we would settle on that basis. That said, if you had a settlement that was large enough to be, in effect, a vindication, then it’s something we would obviously look at.”
This appears to be a sticking point for Virginia and her team and why they decided to move ahead with a lawsuit – it was when Andrew told Emily Maitlis during his interview on BBC Newsnight that he didn’t remember meeting Virginia. Boies said it was “incomprehensible” that Andrew is denying any association with Virginia. As David Boies told the Daily Telegraph:
“We tried to avoid litigation; we suggested a mediation. But to say 'I never met her' is so contrary to all the other evidence that's out there.”
After all, there is that photo. So Virginia and her team seem pretty determined to not let Andrew off easy, with a payout that doesn’t come with an acknowledgement that he was there and he did what she said he did. Which tells you what a f-cking disaster that Newsnight interview has been for Andrew, on so many levels. Because of that interview, the royal institution shut him down and hid him away. Because of all the crazy things he said during that interview, including not remembering who Virginia is, she decided to sue him to expose his lies. And he went in there thinking he nailed it!
So what’s going to happen during this deposition? Is he going to shoot himself in the face? Obviously his lawyers will be prepping him, and if they know what they’re doing, they’ll rehearse it to the point of fatigue so that he doesn’t implode. The thing with Andrew, though, is that, well, he gets in his own way. This is not someone who’s shown good judgement, he does not seem like he’s all that strategic. You can prepare a person all you want, but you can never stop them from going rogue especially when he’s been indulged his whole life and never checked until too late. And then on top of all that, there’s the entitlement.
Prince Andrew is a “do you know who I am?” kind of guy. And that’s the guy who must now be deposed by the American lawyers of an untitled American woman taking him to court for sexually assaulting her. The indignity of it all, considering his birthright – that’s probably his biggest issue with this. Like how DARE these people come for him like this, he’s royal!
And now his royal ass has to sit down for a deposition. Have you ever watched the Jeffrey Epstein deposition videos? He would repeatedly just say “fifth” in response to questioning about sex trafficking and all the underage girls he knew. Will Andrew do the same? And if so, how will that look? Because it didn’t look great at all on his friend, the dead rapist pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Like when you’re asked straight up, hey, do you have a habit of luring teen girls into your lair to sexually abuse them and you’re advised to just keep saying “fifth” instead of answering the only way any human being should answer that question which is “f-ck no”, well, it’s really not a good look.