Photos like this, where I’m from, are kind of a big deal. I’m off from ETALK until the New Year but if I had to guess what would be leading our show content today, it would be that Jim Carrey and Keanu Reeves were at the premiere of Sonic The Hedgehog 3 last night in LA. 


Just a quick note about Sonic? Because I don’t care. But so many of my friends have children between 8-13 and the kids? They very, very, VERY much care about Sonic. I am constantly involved in conversations about Sonic where I don’t understand a goddamn word but I appreciate the enthusiasm. The chokehold Sonic has on Gen Alpha is real. 


Anyway, about Jim and Keanu. Both Canadian and both from Toronto, grew up probably 10km and two years apart – a rare sight to see them together. They were included in a group photo, years ago, at an AFI event but this is different. This is Jim and Keanu in a movie, on a press tour, after decades in the business. 

Maria posted yesterday in Celebrity Social Media about Jim admitting that the money is one of the motivating factors for him doing the Sonic thing. No judgment. Celebrities and civilians do sh-t just for the money all the time. “Influencer” is now a recognised career. So I’m not over here thinking less of Jim for the decision. In fact, like Maria, I appreciate his candour about it. Why pretend? Get your bag, Jim Carrey.


Pretty sure money isn’t at the top of the list for Keanu Reeves though. And, still, no judgement either way. These are two different artists, they manage their careers differently. At this point, after all this time, nothing, really, should surprise us about Keanu anymore. He’s always made offbeat choices. And also,  Sonic originated as a video game, and Keanu has a long established relationship with gaming. 

His next two projects, however, are taking him back to comedy. Remember how f-cking funny he was in Always Be My Maybe? Keanu’s next two projects, scheduled for release in 2025, are Good Fortune, written and directed by Aziz Ansari, and Jonah Hill’s Outcome. In Good Fortune, Keanu plays a guardian angel who loses his wings when the life lesson he’s trying to impart on a mortal goes wrong, and he ends up having to move in with Seth Rogen. That’s another Canadian double – triple, actually, because Sandra Oh is in the movie too. 


In Outcome, he plays an actor who’s trying to get his life together when his lawyer (Jonah) calls to let him know he’s being blackmailed for something in his past. Cameron Diaz also stars. It’s a Feeling Minnesota reunion!

This is what our age group has to look forward to from Keanu in 2025. But as 2024 comes to a close, let us be thankful, yet again, that another year has passed with the one remaining celebrity certainty intact: Keanu Reeves will not disappoint us. NO JINX. 

PS. His partner, Alexandra Grant, joined him at the premiere. That too is a comforting constant, hopefully we’ll be saying the same at the end of next year.