I salute Saweetie along with the Fug Girls because the degree of difficulty here is… I mean we’re talking Simone Biles level of difficulty. Throwing out the first pitch – in these heels, and these tight jeans, and those nails?! And completing the assignment! Respect! Give me the full documentary on the rehearsals for this. Or was there not a rehearsal? That would be even more impressive, if she just went out there and killed this without having practised beforehand. (Go Fug Yourself)
It’s official – Lea Michele has confirmed the role of Fanny Brice in Funny Girl on Broadway. And look, while Beanie Feldstein may not have been right for this role, the way they went about this is cold. (Dlisted)
How do you feel about self-checkout at grocery stores? I don’t like people so you would think I’d be all over the self-checkout. But I love going to the cashier, specifically ONE cashier, because I have a cashier crush at my local grocery. She is the best and I missed her for two years, but now I never know what her shifts are so to avoid cheating on her, if she isn’t working, I hit the self-checkout. (Pajiba)
OMG this whole Doja Cat and Noah Schnapp and Joseph Quinn thing… and frankly I wasn’t even thinking about Joseph Quinn before this became a story. Now Doja Cat is dragging Noah, a 17-year-old, for putting her on blast but, girl, why are you sliding into the DMs of a teenager to begin with? (Cele|bitchy)
Must read: “13 Hollywood Storytellers on Bringing Abortion to the Screen, Then and Now” (The Hollywood Reporter)