I mentioned that Sebastian Stan’s scumbag era is working for me after the Met Gala, and a LOT of you agreed. So here is Sebastian on the set of Thunderbolts*—the asterisk is part of the official title treatment, learn it, love it, embrace it—sporting a new look for Bucky: a suit. I think the last time we saw Bucky Barnes dressed in a suit was a flashback in, maybe, Captain America: Civil War? It’s not Bucky’s usual look, that’s for sure.
Thunderbolts* is filming now in Atlanta, and is expected to be released on May 5, 2025, though Bob Iger has said that Marvel will go back to releasing three movies per year, and they currently have four movies slated for next year, so something has to move (probably Blade! Again!).
Anyway, Sebastian has been doing the Marvel dance for FOURTEEN YEARS. He has beaten RDJ’s time in the saddle, though Thunderbolts* will only be his seventh appearance in that time. Still, he’s been playing Bucky a long-ass time, making a banquet out of a supporting character, much as Tom Hiddleston did with Loki. And it’s served him well, Sebastian balanced his Marvel work with smaller, character-driven films and projects, he became an Emmy nominee, he could well be an Oscar nominee by the time Thunderbolts* comes out next year.
But I don’t think he really needs the MCU anymore, though he is not yet out of his infamous nine-movie deal with Marvel. Somebody over there really knew what they were getting with him, because they locked him down like a scrub with an engagement ring in his pocket. If Marvel really holds Sebastian to that deal—they don’t HAVE to—he could still be playing Bucky when 2030 rolls around. For his sake, I hope he’s not. Marvel put him on the map, but he does so much more interesting work elsewhere, I’d like to see what he can do when he doesn’t have to go back to Atlanta every two years.