Shia LeBeouf and FKA twigs are official. They’re ‘make out in public in matching outfits’ official. In September, Shia was seen leaving FKA’s place in London and it was confirmed that Shia and Mia Goth were getting a divorce. Then, Mia Goth and FKA’s ex Robert Pattinson went on an awkward press tour where they probably bonded over their exes f-cking. Lainey’s reaction when Shia and FKA were first rumoured to be together was “Oh girl, are you sure?” Mine is “Sis, REALLY? Really?”
FKA and I are the same age. We’re so young. I’ll admit that I had a crush on Shia around 2008, the early Transformers days. Listen, I’m not proud of it but I was young and impressionable and I thought Even Stevens got hot, OK? I’m going to justify FKA’s attraction to Shia as nostalgia. I also think that she probably finds Shia exciting compared to Robert Pattinson who, let’s be honest, was never good enough for her but exciting isn’t always better.
I don’t remember seeing FKA and RPattz showing this much PDA. She’s even adopted his grunge 2018 Bieber aesthetic! She’s got it bad. The photo agency says Shia and FKA “appeared to not be able to take their hands off of one another.” They’re in that phase of the relationship. It’s a dangerous phase. There’s no talking sense into someone during that phase.
Shia and FKA twigs met while they were filming Honey Boy, a film he directed about his relationship with his father. Is the ‘make out in public in matching outfits’ phase going to make it to the press tour?