On the same day she made headlines for filing a lawsuit against Joe Jonas alleging that he is “wrongfully detaining” their children in the United States, Sophie Turner stepped out to run errands in the afternoon and then later met up for dinner with Taylor Swift and some friends. So she’s not hiding – not that she should be. She has taken her position, and she’s putting a face to it. Perhaps in her mind it’s a necessary move in order to counteract what’s been out there over the last few weeks since news first broke that she and Joe were breaking up. Because he got the jump on the situation (though it doesn’t seem to have worked out the way it may have been intended, more on that in a minute), and now she’s presenting her case, only instead of using media outlets, like TMZ, she’s doing it through court documents. 


As for the specific details in those court documents, it would seem as though one of Sophie’s objectives in her filing is to establish location. Joe filed for divorce in Florida, asserting that that was the family’s primary residence. In her lawsuit, however, Sophie is blowing up that claim, providing a pretty detailed schedule of how and where she and Joe have spent their time over the last year and a half. I posted yesterday about Sophie saying that she and Joe agreed to make England their “forever” home back in December 2022. 

What’s most telling is that she not only reveals that they sold their Miami home and had all relocated to England around the end of March/early April of this year, but that they also put in an offer to buy a home in England on July 7, just a month before their marriage “very suddenly” broke down. The plan was to take possession of their new home in England in December. Until then they were living in a rental in England, the same rental where they spent the holidays last year. And the children’s lives were fully integrated into England, including nursery school, medical plans, and more. 


Joe is trying to say that he won’t release the passports because it would be a violation of a court order in Florida. In the statement that he released to TMZ yesterday in response to Sophie’s filing, his representative said on his behalf that “Florida is the appropriate jurisdiction for this case”. Which is what Sophie is countering – they no longer own a home in Florida, they “entered in a contract for sale” on their home in Miami in mid-April. So from her perspective Florida is not the “appropriate jurisdiction” for the case. 

And that gets to the heart of how this mess started. Because we heard it from his side first: that he was the one “caring for their 2 young children pretty much all of the time”. Which suggests that he was angling to keep the children with him in the US from the jump, even though it would seem as though they’d been putting down roots in the UK, by implying that he’s the lead parent, leaving the public to fill in the blanks about Sophie’s parenting. 


But of course, he’s denying that that was his intention. In the statement released yesterday by his representative, you will note what he says about all the rumours about Sophie’s fitness as a mother: 

“Joe has already disavowed any and all statements purportedly made on his behalf that were disparaging of Sophie. They were made without his approval and are not consistent with his views.” 

“Made without his approval?” I mean… 

Are you reading what I’m reading? Did he just tell on himself? Because I’m reading that the things that were said about Sophie came from someone or someones who would be able to seek his approval. Like someone or someones on his team. Which wouldn’t exactly be news because it would have been obvious to any discerning gossip over the last few weeks considering the accuracy and the specificity of the leaks that were leaking. 


So even though he’s disavowing those statements NOW, it also speaks to why it’s believable to people when Sophie says she found out he was filing for divorce FROM THE MEDIA. Because it already looked like he’d been engaging the media from the very beginning. And it turns out to have been, so far, a total f-cking backfire on his ass.