Dear Gossips, 

Exactly a year ago today, fresh off being named PEOPLE’s Sexiest Man Alive, and becoming one of the most UN-polarising SMAs of all time, Michael B Jordan was seen arriving in Atlanta for American Thanksgiving with Lori Harvey. They went public a couple of months later. But the sight of them, in their sweats, getting off a plane, heading to her family gathering…well… it was big gossip. Up until Lori, MBJ had never publicly claimed a girlfriend. But it all started at Thanksgiving 2020. 


For Thanksgiving 2021, once again MBJ was with Lori and her family – and she let us know on Instagram: 

These two have been steady and solid all year. No drama, no scandal. You know what we’ve yet to see though? MBJ + Lori on the red carpet. It might happen soon. 


His film, A Journal for Jordan, directed by Denzel Washington, based on Dana Canedy’s memoir about her relationship with her fiancé Army First Sergeant Charles Monroe King, who was killed in combat in Iraq. Charles had only seen their baby son one time before he died. But he wrote a journal for his only child – and that became the basis for Dana’s book and the film. It opens on Christmas Day – see the trailer below and, well, get ready for all your feelings. It’s not about sadness, it’s about life, and how we need to do the most with it. 


Promotion for A Journal for Jordan should begin right after Thanksgiving weekend, when everyone crams everything for a two week crunch before the holiday break. We’re getting some MBJ content coming up. And possibly more MBJ and Lori content. 

Yours in gossip,
