TIL Mindy Kaling has THREE kids. Anyway, I try really hard not to have opinions on her situation with BJ Novak. They’re exes, they’re close friends, he’s in her children’s lives. It seems to work for her. Okay. (Celebitchy)


To Maria’s point, people should just stop f-cking commenting on other people’s appearance. If someone has a visible skin condition, don’t instruct them on what they should be doing to manage it, they definitely already know! Everyone just leave everyone else alone. (Popsugar)

I do not know what the “Indiewire Honors” are, but Jennifer Lopez showed up in semi-sheer sparkles, as she is wont to do. (Go Fug Yourself)


One of my favorite sub-genres of writing on the internet is “Robert Pattinson is a lying liar who lies, and I love him for it”. Today it’s Rachel Leishman’s turn to tell us what she loves about RPattz’s lies. (The Mary Sue)

I love Jaya Saxena’s writing, she’s so talented she can make WATER interesting. And she does! Right here! (Eater)