Book signing anxiety is real! (Unless you are J.K. Rowling or something.)

Tom Hanks loves to post photos of lost gloves, I’m glad Steve Martin can appreciate it.

Lainey posted about Kesha/Demi/Taylor today and when someone like Fiona Apple, someone so adored and rarely seen, comes out on social media – is that as important as money? More so? Less so? Or is all of it good for Kesha and we are commodifying feminism by trying to weigh the importance of support?


A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Yes of course Mark Ruffalo loved Hamilton (twice) – the only thing that could surprise me about Hamilton is if someone didn’t absolutely adore it.


Miranda! #LinManuel Amazing show, Amigo. Better the second time! Best always. #hamiltonmusical

A photo posted by Mark Ruffalo (@markruffalo) on

Yes I’m sure of all of the things Elizabeth Taylor could be doing, she’s watching over you and your Ardene necklace, Lindsay.

Paulina Gretzky is absolutely committed to that Hermes belt. She probably sleeps with it on.


A photo posted by Paulina Gretzky (@paulinagretzky) on

I love Adele Dazeem as much as the next person but my kids just discovered Frozen so f-ck my life.


On my way to #Disneyland sound check, Watch TONIGHT at 8/7c on ABC! #Disneyland60

A photo posted by Idina Menzel (@idinamenzel) on

Amber Rose has to go on TV and explain why she’s not asking for it and what consent means.


Who watched me Tonight on "It's Not You its Men" on @owntv? If so, how did u feel about the convo?

A photo posted by Amber Rose (@amberrose) on

Kelly got to be in the middle because it’s her birthday.


A photo posted by kellyrowland (@kellyrowland) on