As you know, Victoria Beckham did not arrive with the other Spices last night at the premiere of Viva Forever. Instead, she was late and posed with her family on the carpet. Click here for a refresher. Inside though, Posh did finally join the girls on stage. And, as you can Photo Assume for yourself, she obviously totally wanted to be there.

Victoria wore pants and a coat-cape to their tacky pageant dresses and is, quite obviously, thrilled to be reliving her days as a popstar. She is definitely not reminding them, again, that her glory days didn’t end with the band. She would never keep putting it out there that she managed to transcend the Wannabe days and create an entirely different professional existence.


Even though she dresses better than they do now, has she managed to eliminate her soul chav too? Baby, Scary, Ginger, and Sporty seem to have accepted that part of themselves, Viva Forever. Posh on the other hand is determined to convince us that she’s moved on. Only this, below, this didn’t happen all that long ago: