Justin Bieber is now in Spain. He performed in Madrid last night. This is a different face than the one we saw for a couple of weeks in England where he celebrated his 19th birthday by taking his shirt off, arguing with club owners over age restrictions, collapsing on stage, shouting at people over Twitter, and threatening to f-ck up the paps while being lifted out of his car seat by his babyguard.

After ranting on Instagram yesterday about how successful he is and how the haters don’t bother his Believing, and then sh-tting on Lindsay Lohan and deleting his message but then reposting it without the Lohan part, to the great relief of his Beliebers, JB is smiling again. He’s waving to photographers. This time, he’s the one carrying a baby around -- his little brother Jaxon, son of his father Jeremy, who also has another child, Jazmyn, a daughter, with his wife, JB’s stepmother. No, there were no typos in those names. If Duana is reading this article, I promise you she is hurting herself right now. But why Duana? You love the Madicyns of the world.

As you can see, JB’s parents have now joined him on tour. To protect him, I guess, from all the critics who’ve been commenting on his meltdown. That would be you. And me. And we can certainly be protected against. But who will protect him from them?