Blake Lively got chocolate on her ballot because BLAKE LIVELY LOVES DESSERT, have you heard?

The #mannequinchallenge is a thing on social media right now and it’s exactly what it sounds like – people standing as still as mannequins to create a scene of frozen people. But I’m more interested in what, if anything, this means about Destiny’s Child. I feel like if there was an announcement, Bey wouldn’t make it this obvious.



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I hate Daylight Saving Time so much.

All Sully did was land a plane on the Hudson. Billy Eichner chases strangers on the street, yelling out inane questions. Who’s the real hero?

Harry Styles has been pretty quiet since the end of 1D. I think it’s a great way to start his acting career and fully separate from his boy band days. But I give it a minute before a lower-tier tab puts him and Suki Waterhouse together.

Conscious uncoupling, New York Marathon edition.


#family #nycmarathon #jobwelldone

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Young Blake Shelton looks older than current Blake Shelton.


I wanna punch young @blakeshelton's face so hard.

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Is Joel Edgerton single? Let’s ask the Gossip Genie for this one.

It’s crunch time, people.

Adrien Grenier in… Trash Fire. I thought this was maybe a joke, but then I watched the trailer and now I just hope Sarah reviews it.