There were all kinds of reports around the beginning of the year that Jennifer Lopez and Slum Bear Casper Smart had gotten back together as they’d been sighted together several times. She’s denying it, claiming she’s still single. And Page Six is reporting that after the Globes on Sunday, she and Ryan Guzman were acting like it’s on. He was her date to the show, they hit up the after-parties together, they left together (with her manager)…
And The Boy Next Door is coming out next week.
Oldest trick in the book, non?
What JLO and her movie people need to understand though is that... people like me – and my friends – will see the movie without having to believe that JLO and Ryan might or might be dating. As I’ve mentioned too many times already, I CAN’T WAIT to see this movie. It doesn’t matter to me whether or not they’re f-cking in real life. It only matters to me if they’re f-cking good in the movie… and my imagination will take care of the rest of it, I promise. Like, I’m happy to substitute myself into the off-camera scenes, you know? I don’t need JLO to be in them. In fact, I’d rather she not.