Justin Bieber continues to show up and cheerlead for Hailey’s launches and I honestly love the photos of their clashing outfits. This is what will make them memorable, if inadvertently. She’s dressed like a glamazon and he’s a toddler going to summer camp and I love it! 


In every relationship – even friendship duos – there’s the person in grey sweats and Crocs and the person in the red dress, metaphorically speaking. (Also, for all of the talk about how celebrity women have been treated by the media, it is child’s play compared to the Bieber comment section. I cannot believe how hateful some Selena fans are towards Hailey. It’s pretty sick and it’s not little kids doing it, it’s grown-ass adults!) 


If like Lena Dunham you wish for the sweet reprieve of fall, our time is coming. Soon we won’t need an excuse to stay inside! And no, it’s not about the aesthetic (I don’t like pumpkin spice and scarves make me itch) but more so other the forced joviality of summer. The “must make every minute of it count but also be hot and uncomfortable and it kind of smells like garage outside but we can’t acknowledge it” feeling will dissipate. Is summer the season of toxic positivity?


Oh this is interesting – Karlie Kloss is reportedly interested in buying i-D Magazine from Vice. This is a celebrity lifestyle push to support: buy print magazines!


Rosie O’Donnell is doing her Renaissance Tour homework and if I had to recommend something silver for this show, it’s a Norma Kamali blouse. Slinky and ready for dancing. Rosie says she’s never bought anything silver and decided on a white outfit with a metallic puffer vest. Solid choice, though she is worried about getting too hot. 


I just finished the second season of I Hate Suzie Too (which is three episodes) and holy sh-t, beyond brilliant. So f-cking good and I cannot believe everyone is not talking about this show all the time. The parallels with the press and the treatment of Amy Winehouse, Caroline Flack, Sinead O’Connor and Britney is chilling. The way Suzie is a (sometimes) questionable and selfish person who makes the same mistakes over and over but is also abused by the media and her ex? Brilliant. The most imperfect person and a victim, all wrapped up in the pits of fame. I’m not doing it justice and it’s very hard to find in Canada but if you can, it’s a must watch.