There’s a mini celebrity profile of Stella McCartney in The Guardian to celebrate her new Beatles-themed collection. It’s not as long as a profile that you’d find in Vanity Fair or GQ, but it’s insightful. Stella comes off a little bit of an asshole, but just the amount you’d expect from someone in her position, who grew up like she did, and works in the industry she does.
Tom Hanks’s twist on the shirt knot is unexpected.
Jessica Biel should consider fortifying those M&Ms with the MMR vaccine.
This story about Russell Crowe walking out of a live interview (he left during the introduction, which he took issue with) is almost a week old but it’s interesting that it didn’t get much traction. Is it because this is typical Russell Crowe behaviour, or is it because The Loudest Voice, which is a splashy prestige project, is not causing a big stir? If Naomi Watts or Sienna Miller had walked out, it would probably be a bigger story.
Science journalist Erin Biba wrote about lion pride dynamics and there are so many people (ahem, men) in the comments who are like, “wHo CaRes about ReAL LifE it’S a DiSneY MovIE.” Obviously, these are the exact same people who are scandalized by a Halle Bailey as Ariel. Logic isn’t their strong suit.
National Geographic called me and asked me to write the feminist facts about how The Lion King gets lion pride dynamics all wrong. I happily complied. Lions are matrilineal!!
— Erin Biba (@erinbiba) July 8, 2019
This photo led me to the Spice Girls website where you can indeed buy this shirt. But there’s no group t-shirt with Posh.
Oh so the Breaking Bad reunion is mezcal? I feel used.