There’s a mini celebrity profile of Stella McCartney in The Guardian to celebrate her new Beatles-themed collection. It’s not as long as a profile that you’d find in Vanity Fair or GQ, but it’s insightful. Stella comes off a little bit of an asshole, but just the amount you’d expect from someone in her position, who grew up like she did, and works in the industry she does. 


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Tom Hanks’s twist on the shirt knot is unexpected. 


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Jessica Biel should consider fortifying those M&Ms with the MMR vaccine. 


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This story about Russell Crowe walking out of a live interview (he left during the introduction, which he took issue with) is almost a week old but it’s interesting that it didn’t get much traction. Is it because this is typical Russell Crowe behaviour, or is it because The Loudest Voice, which is a splashy prestige project, is not causing a big stir? If Naomi Watts or Sienna Miller had walked out, it would probably be a bigger story.


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Science journalist Erin Biba wrote about lion pride dynamics and there are so many people (ahem, men) in the comments who are like, “wHo CaRes about ReAL LifE it’S a DiSneY MovIE.” Obviously, these are the exact same people who are scandalized by a Halle Bailey as Ariel. Logic isn’t their strong suit.

This photo led me to the Spice Girls website where you can indeed buy this shirt. But there’s no group t-shirt with Posh.


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Oh so the Breaking Bad reunion is mezcal? I feel used.


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