Emma Stone opted for studious brown for an event in London, working the BAFTA crowd. I really like this outfit with her current shade of red hair. (Go Fug Yourself)


Jamie Dornan is still haunted by Fifty Shades of Grey. Getting those awful reviews had to be tough (especially since the filming experience did not sound fun, the fans were a nightmare, and the authoress of the books even more so), but on the other hand…you could argue he wouldn’t be the star he is today without Fifty Shades. It put him on the map, the same way Twilight put Robert Pattinson on the map. Stop apologizing, Jamie! It all worked out! You’re doing great! (Celebitchy)

Netflix tanked a Halle Berry movie called Mothership, but rather than seeking a tax write down, it seems that everyone, including Halle Berry, would rather just forget that Mothership exists. It must be REALLY bad. Now I kind of want to see it. (Pajiba)


TikTok is going crazy for British food, once again proving TikTok’s taste is suspect. Although, I will NOT stop raving about the food in Ireland, which everyone also says is bad, but it is NOT. I legit took one bite of a cheeseburger my first night in Dublin and sat back and was immediately FURIOUS with everyone saying Irish food is bad. It’s been almost a year and I’m still dreaming of the ice cream, cheeseburgers, the country stew I had at a little pub the day I got lost, the f-cking AMAZING sea food, the chocolate, the cheese—the dairy in general—and the kebab place in Dublin called Abrakebabra. It will be thinking of those kebabs always! (Eater)

Elmo’s had a tough week. First everyone trauma-dumped on him, and now Larry David is smushing his face. Someone check on Elmo, he needs it! (Page Six)