Last week I posted about how Alex Rodriguez was in the Dominican Republic to spend time with Jennifer Lopez while she shoots her new rom-com but that they’d both not shared pictures of themselves together since the reports that they had ended their engagement and their subsequent statement that they’re working on their relationship. Then ARod posted this a couple of days ago.
So it’s an ad, a business commitment. Which speaks to the fact that they are so entangled professionally, on multiple projects (they tried to buy the NY Mets together!), that even if they do break up it’s going to be so complicated.
That said, that post only showed up on ARod’s account. The partnership involves both of them…but she hasn’t made a mention of it on her feed. There could be a perfectly reasonably business reason for this – she has 148 MILLION followers to his 4 MILLION, which is a major difference – and that’s a huge factor when you consider what the deal with this gummy company is worth but, at the same time, it still means he hasn’t shown up on her feed in weeks.
And also, she did post to her feed on the same day, wearing the exact same top, not mentioning the product…or even him.
On her Instagram stories and TikTok, he continues to remain absent. While she thirst-traps:
@jlo Sunday...
♬ Astronaut In The Ocean - Masked Wolf
Here’s the most interesting of the bikini by the pool videos she shared:
Yes Queen 🔥🤠@JLo
— krishna 💗🩰 (@krishnna30) March 28, 2021
JLo’s working that body and that glow set to Drake’s “Popstar”. Interesting artist and song choice. Drake, obviously, because they had their thing just a couple of months before she and ARod started dating. And the track is all about, well, living that popstar life. Drake being Drake, he can make that baller reality sound like stress, lol, but the main takeaway with the energy JLo’s bringing here is that it’s easy breezy in the sunshine, and she’s been sexy as all f-ck, at the top of the game going on three decades – whether she’s got a man or not. Wonder if ARod is picking up on that message.