Dear Gossips,

Earlier this week, I posted in this space about my crush on Marian Keyes and the vote that’s happening in Ireland today to repeal the Eighth Amendment. Since then I’ve heard from so many of you, sharing your experiences about the decisions you made, about your choices, about your body. Thank you so much for reaching out. I was moved to know your stories and I hope, one day, we will all be able to tell them without shame or fear. I hope today, in Ireland, we get closer to that place. Reproductive Rights = Human Rights. 

As you may have seen, yesterday was a light day here on the site because it was a difficult day for many of my colleagues. When I blog, I lock myself away in my office and send the posts up as quickly as I can. Sometimes, however, the only thing to do is to be part of your community. I apologise for the inconvenience and we will today make up for what we missed. 

The first thing I saw this morning when I woke up and checked my phone was a new trailer for the upcoming Mister Rogers documentary. The film screened at Sundance and was overwhelmingly well-received. Won’t You Be My Neighbour? opens very soon, on June 8th. It probably will not win the box office. But it could very well win the Oscar. 

I’ve included the new trailer and the first trailer below, if you haven’t seen it. Something to take us into the weekend. 

Have a great weekend!

Yours in gossip,
