Ha! You thought that was it. OK, fine. I thought that was it too. We all did. Didn’t we all think that Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were finished getting married? Wrong. They are still getting married! There was yet another wedding this weekend. Do you think Joe and Sophie Turner are going to get married this many times? Do you think Sophie now WANTS to get married this many times, now that Priyanka and Nick have set the standard? Will Priyanka and Nick get married again at the Met Gala? It’s their “place”, you know? OMG OMG. Have you ever heard of people proposing at other people’s weddings? Can you imagine if one day someone proposes at the Met Gala? What would Anna Wintour do? Besides ban then from the Met Gala for life? (Dlisted) 

As a lifelong fan of Oreos, I totally support this many variations of “stuf”. You know why? There are different Oreo moods. Right now, I’m in a Mini Oreo mood so the last Oreos I bought were bite size. Before that I was in an Oreo thins mood. The time before that I needed the double cream. That said, the original is always on standby at my house. I’m just saying, I get this level of Oreo service, I really do. (Jezebel) 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle won’t be together on Valentine’s Day and… be honest – is Valentine’s Day a big deal for you? Was it ever? (Just Jared) 
Angelina Jolie took her kids out for sushi the other day and, well, my eyes went straight to Miss Zahara’s boots. See? Hikers. My white hikers are my life right now. Zahara recently turned 14. OMG. Seriously, the ages of the Jolie-Pitt kids f-cks my sh-t up all the time. It’s been 14 years! She could totally start giving her mother fashion advice. PLEASE? (Cele|bitchy) 

I get why the actors voted for This Is Us. Actors like a good cry too. And actors relate to tear-jerker acting. Also, the actors supporting This Is Us is like an endorsement of network drama. Which is a job that most members of the actors’ union would want. Why the actor voted for Mrs Maisel though… that I can’t explain. (Go Fug Yourself) 

Oh yeah. Harry Styles. He’s been really, REALLY quiet. So quiet that the only headline we’ve had about him in weeks, maybe months, is that someone got his face tattooed on their face. Did any Twi-Hards ever get Robert Pattinson’s face tattooed on their faces? Other body parts, yes. But face?!? (NME)