Welcome back to the Sasha Answers podcast.
Today we have a special guest - our friend and colleague - Liz Trinnear! YAY! And to make it extra special we recorded a supersized edition with her, as we will all be ass deep in Oscar coverage next week so unfortunately there will be no podcast next week. But we hope this one is enough to tie you over.
On the show: Millennial entitlement, are Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir doing the nasty, and also, are Lorde and Jack doing the nasty as well. Then we get to your questions! How to get your needle dick boyfriend back, how to get over yourself so you can get over an ex, and we give a few makeup tips.
Thanks for tuning and keep your feedback/questions coming to me at [email protected] and hit us up on twitter at @sasha_tong and @laineygossip and Instagram at @lostandfoundapothecary and @laineygossip. And of course on iTunes and Google Play.