Dear Gossips,
Winona Ryder will be featured in a commercial during the Super Bowl. Which doesn’t really seem on brand for Winona Ryder, like no one’s expecting Winona to pop up in a beer ad, you know? And hers is not a face anyone’s looking out for on the sidelines or in one of the suites on Sunday.
But then you see the ad and it makes total sense. Winona went back to Winona, where she was born, and after which she was named. And she’s created a website so that people can learn more about Winona, the place, and maybe Winona the person?
Locals from Winona appear in the commercial with Winona and on the website Winona introduces visitors to the community and the people who give it its personality, using photographs she’s taken of the town and its residents herself. There’s even a blind item about a woman called “Vivian” who may or may not have inspired a movie. I only know one movie character who’s a “Vivian” and I doubt that’s her. But even just seeing Vivian from Winona, and reading that short blurb about her life, I know that she could have several films and series about her experiences.
Given what we know of Winona, telling Vivian’s story, and so many others, as part of Winona’s larger story, is likely why she was drawn to the project – in addition to the paycheque, obviously. Still, it’s about creating a spot that feels true to its subject and can serve a bigger purpose while getting the sale on. I like this for her a lot.
Here’s the 30 second version:
And the full length version is here:
Attached – photos of Winona in the most Winona outfit ever at the SAG Awards. It’s so good. It’s so her.
Yours in gossip,