The Hillary Clinton fundraiser that Leonardo DiCaprio was originally supposed to host happened yesterday at Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel’s. Leo was in New York because he had to work on finishing up The Turning Point, his environmental documentary, for TIFF with Fisher Stevens. As mentioned though, some people are suspicious because of The Hollywood Reporter’s recent piece about Leo’s alleged connection to that embezzlement scandal.

But look! Look! New photos of Leo with Fisher Stevens taken on Tuesday. He was working! Can you see??? He was working! And a photographer just happened to around to take the picture proof of it.

Was this just some pap who got lucky roaming around the city? Is that why Leo’s not running for the nearest dumpster? In fact, not only is he not running for the nearest dumpster, that photographer is in perfect position right in front of him taking these high quality images, even though Leo’s acting like, you know, he doesn’t know he’s there. He does have an Oscar after all.

Celebrities really suck at cherry-picking privacy, right?