In what universe is Frank Langella more fascinating than Tina Fey???


Frank Langella.



With all due respect, as he is a fine actor, Frank’s predicted Oscar “win” for Frost/Nixon is nothing if not premature. And, let’s be honest, he has that “bad man” face. You know the “bad man” face? The face of an eternal villain? He’s always played a villain. These memories, they stay with you. They stay with voters too. Even Academy voters, especially the old ones…just saying.

So he can act. Great. But is Frank Langella FASCINATING? Is Frank Langella “extremely charming, extremely interesting… captivating”???

Frank Langella?

Even he would tell you he isn’t all of those things. How many people stay up at night losing sleep over their fascination with Frank Langella?

Apparently only Barbara Walters.

Because she has listed him AHEAD of Tina Fey on her 10 Most Fascinating of 2008 List. In fact… she’s actually listed him THIRD.


Ranking is as follows:

2. Thomas Beattie (that man who keeps getting pregnant)
3. Frank Langella
4. Sarah Palin
5. Michael Phelps
6. JailBait Cyrus
7. Rush Limbaugh
8. Tina Fey
9. Tom Cruise
10. Will Smith

Needless to say, Barack Obama will come out on top. Which means that Barbara Walters, in announcing her dumbass f-cking list, is declaring that in the year 2008, ONLY BARACK OBAMA AND A DUDE WHO KEEPS GETTING PREGNANT are more fascinating than Frank Langella???


And why does she keep putting her head up Tom Cruise’s ass? Does Barbara Walters need to jump up Tom Cruise’s ass?

Source Just Jared