For months Emma Stone has been preparing to play Billie Jean King in Battle Of The Sexes, the true story of Billie Jean’s match against Bobby Riggs. Steve Carell will be Bobby in the movie. So we’ve been seeing Emma almost exclusively at the gym, after her training sessions, transforming her body. Is it gross to talk about her body when her body, for this project, is connected to the work?

Because check out these new photos of Emma in character and, well, physically it’s there. And it’s not just the wig and the glasses and the tennis outfit – although of course all of that helps – but it’s the physique. I believe it.

For comparison, here are the real Billie Jean and Bobby from that era:

And here’s a shot of Emma and Steve released by the studio:

So she’s got the look. Does she have the game? I can’t wait to see Emma Stone playing tennis.