Rachel McAdams arrived in LA yesterday, one day after her birthday. We’ll come back to that in a minute. Let’s first talk about those shots of her in Toronto on the set of Spotlight. As you saw, I updated yesterday’s post (click here for a refresher) about whether or not that was Patrick Sambrook, as identified by the photo agency and other outlets like E! News, etc. The man in question is Duane Murray, an actor on the film. So go ahead and assume she’s single now. I’m looking at you, Jake Gyllenhaal.
As for Rachel being in LA…
She has still not yet been officially confirmed for True Detective. I mean everyone keeps talking like it’s done but it’s also been months and …nothing legitimate from HBO. Same goes for Taylor Kitsch, actually. He said it himself but HBO hasn’t put it in a release or anything and they did for Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn so…maybe she’s there to close?
Click here for more on what we do actually know at this point about True Detective Season 2