Avengers: Infinity War comes out two weeks tomorrow. Advance ticket sales are outpacing Black Panther’s and Black Panther is currently the highest-grossing superhero movie of all time. So Avengers is looking big. Not that that was ever a question. It was always going to be big. HOW big is the question.
With two weeks to go then and to make sure it’s big as f-ck, they’re cranking up the marketing. Yes, the fractured Avengers will need to get their sh-t together to fight their most formidable villain. But also? An Avengers movie should be fun and funny and we’ve been led to believe that these people are friends and the success of it all has been built around their chemistry – as Sarah calls it, the Avengers “clubhouse”. And their leader? Iron Man, Tony Stark, Robert Downey Jr. Aka the “Godfather”.
Where is the Avengers Godfather? They’ve held him back until we’re inside two weeks to the movie’s opening day while some of the others have been already dispatched overseas to start working on the international box office. Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, Pom Klementieff, and Tom Holland are in Seoul today after attending a fan event in London on the weekend. RDJ is expected to join Benedict in Singapore on Monday though for another fan event.
As for some of the other major Avengers, we’ve yet to see Scarlett Johansson or Chris Evans repping Infinity War. Chris is on Broadway so he conveniently won’t be expected to travel too much for the promotion. Chris Hemsworth is at home in Australia and was seen at the Commonwealth Games hanging out with Usain Bolt yesterday.
The big ass Hollywood premiere is happening on April 23. Am assuming that that’s when we’ll see the full team assemble. Including Gwyneth Paltrow. Look at the prime position she gets in that featurette.