Scheduling Note: Monday is a holiday in many parts of Canada so it’s already a long weekend and our team is taking an extra day. We will be dark tomorrow, Friday, and Monday and will return to regular gossip schedule on Tuesday, August 3. Unless, of course, something huge breaks. What’s my idea of huge? If Bennifer gets married, I’ll be here, I will park myself here the whole f-cking weekend. 


But should that not happen (and it seems unlikely, though with these two you really never know), we’ll be on a four-day weekend celebrating… SUNISA LEE! The Olympic individual all-around champion! 

To find out even more about the new Olympic champion, check out this piece at ELLE.  


It’s been a while since I shouted out Robin Roberts and her stylist and I appreciate GFY for keeping us informed on Robin’s wardrobe – almost all of these looks are prize winners. The only one that isn’t doing it for me is the baby blue dress with the ruffle. But the combination of orange and pink together makes up for it. (Go Fug Yourself) 

Lenny Kravitz. That’s it. That should be enough. But he’s giving out bonuses – his shirt is off and he’s building sh-t and getting sweaty and now you’re gone, you’ve already clicked on the link. On the off chance you’re still here though, I do want to be a nerd and point out that he should put on some shoes because I feel like it’s not safe to go barefoot? (Dlisted) 

Um….so you heard about Alex Rodriguez and where and how he’s been on holiday? It’s really, really embarrassing. Like JLo needed anymore confirmation that she made the right decision when she quit being engaged to him. (Cele|bitchy) 


The head of Netflix’s film division is objectively assessing his own work by doing a report card on Netflix movies which… sure, a lot of these movies feel disposable, but I would ride all day for The Old Guard and even Extraction over Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman which was overrated and overlong, to the point of rage for me. I got angrier and angrier watching it. And while, sure, I get angry too over Michael Bay movies, nobody’s out here talking about Michael Bay movies like they should be at the Oscars, you know? (Pajiba) 

Of course. It’s an age quiz. I answered ten questions honestly and the quiz told me I’m 27 years old. Which is wrong, but it also makes me happy. (Buzzfeed)