In another world, John Krasinski would have hosted Saturday Night Live for the first time over the weekend, fulfilling a childhood dream. Instead, he posted his first Some Good News broadcast to YouTube from a Weekend Update-like desk late on Sunday, in front of a logo created by his daughters, and gave the people what they want: a reunion with his "best boss ever" from The Office, Steve Carell. 



Even the most casual fan of The Office would admit this surprise, unannounced social distancing Zoom reunion is pretty heartwarming. Starting about five-and-a-half minutes into John's video, he commemorated the 15th anniversary of The Office, and his "Jim Halpert" haircut by briefly mugging for the camera next to a framed photo of his character's face. Soon after, he introduced the audience to his "entertainment correspondent," Steve.


Together, the two reminisced about their favourite memories from the show, how much they laughed during the "Dinner Party" episode, and cried during their on-camera goodbye. Steve also commented on its enduring popularity.

"It's such a happy surprise that after all these years, people are still tuning in and finding it, even today!" said Steve. "Pretty cool!"

And yes, there was also some reunion talk:

Steve: "Some of my most fond memories, personally or professionally are entwined and connected with that show."

John: "Without a doubt, and listen... I know everybody's talking about a reunion, I hope one day we get to reunite as people, and just get to say hi."

Steve: "I mean, just to get to see your face is so great!"

John: "I miss you a ton man, it's so good to see you and thank you so much for doing this... We are trying to start a news network just for good news and boy are you good news! I really think you're going to make something of yourself, Steve. (Steve laughs) I love you and I can't wait to see you very soon."

Steve: "Say hi to Emily [Blunt]. Love you guys!"

John: "Who's that? Goodbye!" [Steve makes a disgruntled noise.]

You would not have expected their exchange to end any other way than with John joking about his wife, right? Something of the "New YouTube channel, who this?" variety? This did not feel like traditional promo though. At no point did John reference A Quiet Place - Part II, or its pending release. He kept it strictly focused on "Some Good News" and other topical shout-outs. Speaking of which, the YouTube channel was started on March 25, the same day John sent out his initial tweet asking for his followers to send him #SomeGoodNews. From a Show Your Work perspective, that means John was able to put this 15-minute YouTube show together in about four days. It's endearing too that he was able to get Steve to be a part of it. These two have maintained enough of a connection that John could Zoom him and relive some personal and professional highlights from a time they both must get asked about in almost every piece of press they do. Being faced with a "That's What She Said" reference constantly must get tired. But The Office's popularity is inescapable. Until the Friends HBO Max deal was a go, you could say that the "The Office reunion" news cycle was nearly as persistent as the "Friends reunion" rumour mill. While John and Steve did feed that fire ever-so-slightly, they also gave viewers a taste of what the Jim Halpert-Michael Scott dynamic was like off-screen, in a satisfying way that should hold fans over for the next six months. The video was trending at number three on YouTube in Canada on Monday, rising steadily through the day. It's all a welcome distraction, and a joyous reunion in these "incredibly trying" social distancing times of "confusion... isolation... and all the Tiger King." A pick-me-up you did not realize you needed.

Ryan Reynolds is a fan too:

Ryan and Blake's friendship with John and Emily is hardly a secret, but this endorsement has lots of value. Will a Ryan and Blake cameo pop up on the next episode of Some Good News? Will there be more appearances from John's co-stars from The Office


One thing that was nice as well was how John also took the time to interview 15-year-old Coco Dantz, who recently finished her chemotherapy treatment, and was greeted by a surprise parade by friends and family as she made her way home. Her mom tweeted John and answered his callout, delivering what he later called the "mic drop of all good news".

In a "stars, they're just like us moment," John's weekend did not turn out how he had originally hoped it would. But he did model excellent work from home fashion with his "business on top" and loungewear on the bottom attire. Plus, as a substitute for hosting SNL, John arguably showed more versatility (a Maine accent? Who knew?), nostalgia, and compassion through this new webshow.