Yesterday, I wrote that the majority of the space in my brain reserved for crushes in the past week has been dedicated to Peter Kavinsky. I think Michael Bae Jordan was paying attention. It’s the only explanation for why he posted a two part Instagram video of himself, in a kitchen, cooking an epic feast …aka straight-up PORN. It’s clearly an elaborate thirst trap to get me, and the Internet, back to crushing on him again. Right around the part in the video when MBJ starts whisking, I was like, “Peter who?”
The other explanation for Michael B Jordan’s sudden interest in showing off his culinary skills is the one he gave on Instagram:
Sure, that could also be the reason. First question, where is this cabin? Second, who is shooting these videos? Third, will Michael make me breakfast every morning we’re together for the rest of our lives? The third answer is obvious. I’m so lucky.
So, MBJ was in Will Smith’s cabin and decided to challenge him to a cook-off. The MBJ Cook-Off Challenge isn’t a thing yet, but as soon as Will responds it’s going to be. Will Smith doesn’t do anything half-assed on Instagram. We know his IG game is the best in the business right now. He was the definitive winner of the "In My Feelings" challenge and even though MBJ’s videos are adorable and make my want to throw my panties at my phone, Will is going to take this to another level. He’ll probably have Gordon Ramsay screaming at him in the background while he cooks a soufflé on top of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Will Smith is inevitably going to win this Cook-Off Challenge but MBJ has effectively won back my heart. Well, 60 per cent of my heart. He’s gained an edge over Peter Kavinsky but since I just watched To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before for the ninth time since Sunday, it’s safe to say that my PK crush is still intact.
Attached - MBJ at an event in LA last month.